22 febr 09, The brush - reworked - finished, appr 8,5x9,5 cm oil on paper
I have decided to rework/revise the absolute last time - I was not sure if the smokey tone was nice after all, so as I was in the mood for it, I had some scales going on on the palette and I sort of just adjusted this smokey tone on the ferrule lifted up the highlight and well think it is a keeper, here it is above
4 th sept
One thing I have learned is to be careful with say finally when doing a rework.
I think I will carefully say finally here- .
18 aug Looks like the rework/study is going to take some more time I have no idea one day two weeks - I can just say the painting is fine, but I decided to not posting the photo before I am as sure as I can be.
The painting is reserved.

7,5x9,5 cm oil on canvaspaper